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How do I give Delta access to my API?
Maurus Cuelenaere avatar
Written by Maurus Cuelenaere
Updated over 7 years ago

Our API pulling infrastructure uses a fixed set of IP addresses for our outgoing requests.

Sometimes, external parties perform rate limiting, whitelisting or automated blocking in some other way for security purposes. In that case, you will need to whitelist the IPs being used by Delta to allow our bots to gather your data.

Used IP addresses

You can find the list of IP addresses that we use for our API integration infrastructure if you resolve the domain Alternatively, if you cannot whitelist domains; you can find the list of IPs it currently resolves to below.




Whitelisting on Cloudflare

If you use Cloudflare, you can see on how you can whitelist our IPs in the Cloudflare control panel.

Whitelisting on different systems

If you use a different firewall system, please whitelist our domain (preferably) or the IPs which it currently points to (see above).

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