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Who is 'Delta-ApiImporter/1.0' and why is it using my API?
Who is 'Delta-ApiImporter/1.0' and why is it using my API?
Maurus Cuelenaere avatar
Written by Maurus Cuelenaere
Updated over a week ago

Delta offers the possibility to import transactions and thus needs to query certain APIs on behalf of its users to retrieve this information.

We try to be as transparent and open as possible about our activities, and thus we advertise our importer in the HTTP User-Agent header.

The IPs used by our importer vary based on whether the logic is implemented client-side or server-side. If the former, they are the IP of the user themself (usually a residential or mobile IP). If the latter, they will be any of the ones resolved by

List of used user agents

Delta-ApiImporter/1.0 (+ Delta-MobileApp/xx.xx (Android xx.xx)
Delta-ApiImporter/1.0 (+ Delta-MobileApp/xx.xx (iOS xx.xx)
Delta-ApiImporter/1.0 (+ Delta-MobileApp/xx.xx (iPhone OS xx.xx)
Delta-ApiImporter/1.0 (+ Delta-Server/xx.xx (yy)

How do I prevent this from happening?

If you are having performance issues due to our importer or if you have any other questions, you can contact us at so we can further investigate the problem.

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