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Delta Account

Understanding the Delta Account

Riley Ellett avatar
Written by Riley Ellett
Updated over 7 months ago

Delta Account

As part of eToro, the world-leading social investment platform, we created a seamless integration for eToro users. Etoro users can kickstart their Delta experience by logging in via their eToro accounts. After logging in, all your data is stored safely and securely. From now on, you can log in on any device via eToro without recreating your portfolio.

The Delta Account gives you the ability to link/switch between Delta devices (helpful if you lose/break phone), allows to connect Delta to your eToro data via broker connection, gives you access to Delta newsletter as well as the updated Delta Desktop and

The Delta Accounts are powered by the eToro Single Sign On (SSO) accounts (which support email and social sign-in). In order to use Delta Account, you only need email verification, not the complete KYC flow. That is only required if you'd like to enable 2FA on your account or trade on eToro. (Process to verify your email with eToro can be found HERE)

Nothing changes in terms of data retention or privacy by connecting the Delta Account, your data is still on our servers and not shared with eToro. Once you link your eToro SSO to your data, they are matched for life and it cannot then be separated from your data in future. Your eToro Club level will come into play, if you are above Bronze you will receive Delta PRO as part of your club benefit level.

If you have any questions, or are in need of support, please contact us via Settings, go to Support (or click here) -> Contact Support and we can assist further. Please be aware that some technical issues might require you to contact eToro support.

To cancel your account. you need to close your eToro account (Sign in on, go to Settings, Account, Close your eToro account) and contact Delta support.

How does it work?

In Delta bring out the side menu in the portfolio screen (Hamburger icon on top left of portfolio screen)

Press on the "Sign In / Sign Up"

Follow the prompts on the following screens

Upon completion of a successful process you will now see that you are connected in the side menu.

PRO TIP: Countries that currently cannot access the Delta Account can be seen HERE

PRO TIP 2: American States that cannot access the Delta Account can be seen HERE

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