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How to set up a Exchange Connection for Gemini

Jonny Taulen avatar
Written by Jonny Taulen
Updated over a year ago

A short guide explaining how you can connect Gemini to Delta and start pulling your historical transactions and keep Delta Investment Tracker updated and give you accurate profit / loss as you continue trading.

  1. Visit and tap 'Settings' in the 'My Account' dropdown.

  2. Tap 'API'

  3. Create a new API key named 'Delta' ensuring that the 'Auditor' box only is ticked. This gives the API key read only permissions only.

  4. Copy and paste the 'API Secret' and 'API Key into Delta.

  5. Hit next and follow the prompts in Delta to get your Exchange Active Connection setup and in Delta. Happy Tracking!

PRO TIP: Your API key should start with account-. If it starts with master-, you have created an API key for all the accounts you have in Gemini, whereas you need to do one account at a time.

PRO TIP 2: Are certain transactions not importing into Delta? Reading this guide might help you understand why it is not importing and how to fix it.

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