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Import from the Delta CSV template
Import from the Delta CSV template

And troubleshoot

Jonny Taulen avatar
Written by Jonny Taulen
Updated over a month ago

A short guide explaining how you can generate a CSV of your transaction history using our own template if we do not yet support the platform you are currently using. We will continue to add support for more CSV formats. You can request formats here.


If you already have the CSV template and are looking for how you can import it, see

Enter Data

Enter all your data one transaction per row. The template has instructions on top which need to be deleted before importing. The columns are explained below


Date and time of the transaction, including the timezone. If you don't specify a timezone, the timezone will default to your local timezone. Accepted formats are ISO 8601 and RFC 2822.


The type of the transaction. For trades you can specify BUY or SELL, and for crypto transfers you can specify DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW or TRANSFER. Use DIVIDEND for cash dividends from stocks & funds.

Base amount

The amount bought, sold, deposited, withdrawn or transferred (excluding fees). Must be greater than 0.

Base currency (name)

The ticker code of the asset traded or transferred. You can additionally (optional) specify the name of the asset in brackets in to resolve ambiguity where two assets share the same ticker. For dividends for stocks, this is the asset you received dividends for like AAPL, etc.

Base type

The type of asset. It can be one of: CRYPTO, STOCK, FUND, INDEX, COMMODITY, FOREX, FIAT. We do not support NFTs or custom coins via CSV import at the moment.

Quote amount

The total price bought or sold for BUY or SELL transactions respectively. For dividends from stocks, it is the total value of the cash dividend received. Must be greater than 0.

Quote currency

The ticker code of the currency of the quote amount. The quote currency must be a fiat for dividends from stocks & funds.


The exchange where the trade (or deposit/withdraw) was made. Optional. When not specified, we'll use our Global Average for crypto and the appropriate exchange for non-crypto assets.

Sent/Received from

Sent to

Both these fields are only used for Base type CRYPTO and Way DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW or TRANSFER.

Sent from: can be the name of an exchange, MY_WALLET, OTHER_WALLET, AIRDROP, MINING, FORK, DIVIDEND, or OTHER

Sent to can be the name of an exchange, MY_WALLET, OTHER_WALLET or OTHER.

You must enter a valid combination of Sent from & to for the specific Way. The valid combinations for each type are:


Sent from must be one of OTHER_WALLET, AIRDROP, MINING, FORK, DIVIDENDS, or OTHER and Sent to must be an exchange or MY_WALLET


Sent from can be an exchange or MY_WALLET and Sent to must be OTHER or OTHER_WALLET


Both Sent from and Sent to must be an exchange or MY_WALLET

Fee amount

The fee that was paid on the trade or transfer (optional). Must be greater than 0.

Fee currency (name)

The ticker code of the currency of the fee. You can optionally specify name of the fee currency in brackets. Only needed when a fee amount is specified. The fee currency must be either the base currency or quote currency with exceptions that allow for e.g. BNB for Binance.


For STOCK, FUND, INDEX, COMMODITY or FIAT transactions you can enter the name of your broker like eToro , Robinhood, Interactive Brokers, etc. (optional)


Any notes you want for this transaction (optional)

Sync Base Holding

Setting this as either false or true (lowercase) will decide if the import will deduct/add from Available Cash. (optional)

Once all data is added, delete the rows with the instructions (keep the row with field names) and import the file according to the instructions here.

Troubleshooting Common Errors

Some common errors you may come across are explained below. Remember, that we can only import assets we support in the app. We do not support shorts & margin trades and NFTs and custom coins cannot be imported via CSV at this moment.

Asset not supported

Since crypto assets have a tendency to frequently re-use short codes, examples SOL, DOT and so forth we need a way to distinguish these assets. The way we do this is by also adding the name just like we display it in Delta inside brackets. So to get the "correct" SOL or DOT imported you need to input these in the CSV as "SOL (Solana)" or "DOT (Polkadot)" without the ".

This also include the exports from external sources like CoinTracking, Yahoo Finance etc.
For example CoinTracking will export Solana with the short code SOL2, these needs to be mass-edited by you the user before you can import it to Delta. So we recommend you open the CSV in a text editor, Excel or a similar opensource alternative, and perform a "find and replace", search for SOL2 and replace with SOL (Solana) and "replace all", and it should now be ready to import.

Column value errors


Error message


Base Type

Base type is required

Invalid Base type. Must be one of CRYPTO, STOCK, FUND, INDEX, COMMODITY, FOREX, FIAT

The base type can not be empty and must have one of the following values:


Base amount

Base amount is required

Base amount can not be empty except for Way: DIVIDEND

Base currency

Base currency (name) is required

Base currency can not be empty

Quote amount

Quote amount is required

Quote amount can not be empty for Way BUY, SELL or DIVIDEND

Quote currency

Quote currency is required

Invalid Quote currency. Must be a fiat currency

Quote currency can not be empty for Way BUY, SELL or DIVIDEND

For Way DIVIDEND, the dividends received must be a fiat currency

Sent/Received From

Sent/Received from is required

Invalid Sent/Received from {value}. Must be one of AIRDROP, FORK, MINING, DIVIDENDS, OTHER_WALLET, OTHER for DEPOSIT

Invalid Sent/Received from {value}. Must be one of MY_WALLET, EXCHANGE for WITHDRAW

Invalid Sent/Received from {value}. Must be one of MY_WALLET, EXCHANGE for TRANSFER

This field is required for Way DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW, & TRANSFER

For DEPOSIT: Sent/ received must be one: AIRDROP, FORK, MINING, DIVIDENDS, OTHER_WALLET, OTHER. See the column description above for valid combinations of Sent from & to.

For WITHDRAW: Sent/ received must be one: MY_WALLET or an exchange name

For TRANSFER: Ssent/ received from must be one of: MY_WALLET or an exchange name

Sent to

Sent to is required

Invalid Sent to {value}. Must be one of MY_WALLET, EXCHANGE for DEPOSIT

Invalid Sent to {value}. Must be one of OTHER, OTHER_WALLET for WITHDRAW

Invalid Sent to {value}. Must be one of MY_WALLET, EXCHANGE for TRANSFER

This field is required for Way DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW, & TRANSFER

For DEPOSIT: Sent to must be one of: MY_WALLET or an exchange.

For WITHDRAW: Sent to must be one of: OTHER or OTHER_WALLET

For TRANSFER: Sent to must be one of: MY_WALLET or an exchange.



Invalid Way. Must be one of DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW for FIAT

Invalid Way. Must be one of BUY, SELL, DIVIDEND for STOCK

Invalid Way. Must be one of BUY, SELL for INDEX


The way field must contain one of the following values: BUY, SELL, DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW, TRANSFER, DIVIDEND

For Base type FIAT: Way must be one of: DEPOSIT or WITHDRAW.

If you want to enter a dividend for stocks, the base currency and type must be the stock you received the dividend for.

For Base type STOCK: Way must be one of: BUY, SELL, DIVIDEND

For Base type INDEX, COMMODITY, FOREX: Way must be one of: BUY, SELL

For Base type CRYPTO: Way must be one of: BUY, SELL, DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW, TRANSFER


Fee amount is required if fee currency is entered

Fee currency is required if fee amount is entered

Invalid Fee currency. Must be a fiat currency

A fee amount is required if the fee currency is filled in the same row

A fee currency is required if the fee amount is filled in the same row

For Way DIVIDEND: Fee currency must be a supported fiat currency like USD, EUR, etc.


Exchange {value} is not supported

We do not support the filled-in exchange value. You can leave this field empty and we will use Delta Global Average.


Date is required

Invalid Date. ISO 8601 and RFC 2822 are accepted formats

Invalid Date. Future datetime entered

Invalid Date. Must be date after 1970-01-01

Date cannot be empty


2023-06-01 19:31:54-04:00

All Date values should be in the past.

All Date values have to occur after 1970-01-01

< All >

{column} exceed character limit of X

Correct the affected columns that exceed the character limit

Processing Errors

Error Message


{pair} is not supported on {exchange}

Invalid Fee currency. {feeCurrency} is not supported on {exchange} for {pair}

This means that the base currency / quote currency pair is not supported in Delta for that particular exchange. Ensure that the asset pair is trackable in the Delta app.

This means that the fee currency is not supported in Delta for that particular exchange. Normally, the fee currency must be the same as the base currency or quote currency. There are some exceptions: for example, BNB is allowed as a fee currency when exchange is Binance. And ETH, NEO, etc. are allowed as a fee currency for crypto transfers.

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