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Setting up your portfolio

Guide to setup your Delta portfolio for the first time

Riley Ellett avatar
Written by Riley Ellett
Updated over 5 months ago

Setting up your stocks / ETF / Forex portfolio

Getting set up with a portfolio in Delta is fast and simple! You can keep your stocks, ETFs, forex, crypto, and NFT portfolios separate or have them all in one overall portfolio. You will still be able to browse through the different assets separately as sub-portfolios even if you have them together in one overall portfolio. How you do it is a personal choice.

To create a new portfolio follow the steps here. Otherwise, proceed with the steps below to add your first transaction!

  1. Click the "+" button on the portfolio screen.

  2. Select "Add Manual Transaction" (or by clicking here) and then the asset type of interest.

  3. Search for the asset by its ticker symbol or name and tap on it.

  4. Select if you would like to enter a Buy or Sell transaction and fill in the details accurately.

  5. You can indicate whether you would like to deduct or add to your available cash holdings. (Head over here to read about Available Cash).

  6. Under "Additional Options", you can enter where you bought the stock/fund from and enter some notes on this transaction. The notes will show up on the transactions page.

  7. Tap "Add Transaction" when you are ready to add the transaction and that's it!

  8. Continue adding the rest of your transactions so your portfolio is ready to be tracked!

It is recommended to do this before setting up the Broker Account Connection due to the 90-day history limitation on a majority of our connections.

Setting up your stock portfolio with a Broker Account Connection.

Please refer to the Broker Account Connection article here.

Setting up your Cryptocurrency/NFT portfolio

Setting up your crypto/NFT portfolio is now easier than ever before with the ability to connect directly to more than 20 exchanges and many wallets. Here is a comprehensive guide to getting you started!

Setup for Balance Only in One Portfolio (Exchange Connection)

We offer a balance-only option to track the current worth of your portfolio and the amounts of crypto you hold. In using this feature you will not be able to get accurate P&L or analytics. It is an easier option if you are not interested in those features.
When setting up the exchange connection instead of choosing Import All Transactions, choose the Balance Only option, this will be a much quicker than average sync with the exchange/wallet.

Setup for Full Transaction History in One Portfolio

Follow this guide if you are interested in having your full transaction history in Delta and not just final balances. This helps you get your profit & loss numbers as accurate as possible. Since your cryptocurrencies are traded on multiple exchanges and stored in various wallets, the best place to get started is with Exchange Account Connections and Wallet Connections.

A) Setup exchange account connections

Most exchanges (like Binance, Coinbase, etc.) allow us to access your full transaction history, and setting these up is easy by following the steps below. But some exchanges (like Digifinex, Yobit, etc.) have a time limit on how far you can go back or limitations on what we can import. In such cases, it might be necessary to add past transactions manually and then connect to the exchange only to import future transactions (by selecting the "Import new transactions only" option when setting up the connection).
For exchanges that support exporting your full transaction history:

  1. Start with the blank "main" portfolio and add your first exchange connection by following the steps here. Make sure to select "Import all transactions" if you want the entire transaction history.

  2. Check the final balances imported by the exchange connection. Note that, even for exchanges that support full transaction history, there are some limitations. For example, Binance connection will not report transactions for any delisted coins and some exchanges will not report air-dropped coins. These transactions have to be added manually.

  3. Create a separate new portfolio and connect it with your second exchange connection.

  4. Check the balances again keeping in mind the limitations of that exchange.

  5. After you have verified the balances and transactions you can move over all these imported transactions as well as the account connected to your first portfolio. To do so, go to Settings -> Connections (or by clicking here) -> Exchanges. Open the exchange connection (which at the moment is linked to your second portfolio) and under "Portfolio To Import To" select the first main portfolio and tap "Update Connection". Now you have one portfolio which is connected to both exchanges.

  6. Repeat the process (steps 3, 4, and 5) for any more exchanges that you want to track in Delta. Free users can connect to two exchanges while as a Delta PRO user you can have as many exchange connections as you want. You can learn more about PRO here.

Please note that it may take some time for the transactions to be moved over to the new portfolio. The transactions will be deleted from the main portfolio and then you will need to refresh the connection to reimport them into the new portfolio. To refresh the connection, press the circular arrows to the left of the connection and wait for them to finish spinning. Navigating away from the screen may cause the connection to not complete its sync and will require you to start the sync again.

B) Setup wallet connections

  1. Create a new blank portfolio and connect a wallet by following the steps here. Remember to select "Import all transactions".

  2. Toggle if you want to import NFTs or not (for NFT-supported connections).

  3. Once you verify the imported balances, similar to exchange account connections, you can move all the transactions and the connection itself to your main portfolio. To do so, go to Settings -> Connections (or by clicking here) -> Wallets. Open the wallet connection and under "Portfolio To Import To" select the main portfolio and then tap "Update Connection".

As for the exchange connection, please note that it may take some time for the transactions to be moved over to the new portfolio. The transactions will be deleted from the main portfolio and then you will need to refresh the connection to reimport them into the new portfolio. To refresh the connection, press the circular arrows to the left of the connection and wait for them to finish spinning. Navigating away from the screen may cause the connection to not complete its sync and will require you to start the sync again.

C) Setup Broker connections

Create a new blank portfolio and connect a Broker by following the steps here.

  1. Once you verify the imported balances, similar to other account connections, you can move all the transactions and the connection itself to your main portfolio. To do so, go to Connections (or by clicking here) -> Open the Broker connection and under "Portfolio To Import To" select the main portfolio or the portfolio you want to import to. and then tap "Update Connection".

As for the Broker connection, please note that it may take some time for the transactions to be moved over to the new portfolio. The transactions will be deleted from the main portfolio. The refresh will be automatically triggered.

D) Completing the portfolio manually

  1. For exchange or wallet connections we don't support or that have limitations, the appropriate transactions have to be added manually.

  2. If you have wrong or negative balances (which is possible due to the limitations imposed by the exchanges), here are some common reasons for those and how to resolve them.

It is highly recommended to create a backup QR code that acts as a recovery key after your portfolio is fully set up. Note that the QR code is dynamic i.e. changes to your portfolio are not reversible and so this is just a way to regain access to your portfolio.

Please don't hesitate to contact us ( if you need any assistance in setting up your portfolio or with any other questions. Thank you for choosing Delta!

PRO TIP: If the balance imported is incorrect, please check the relevant steps above and ensure you have followed them correctly. It will also be worth taking a look through the transactions that were imported to see if any are messing up the final balance.

PRO TIP 2: If your balance is incorrect and you followed the tips in the first PRO TIP, please note that there are some limitations on what can and cannot be imported. You can learn more about this here.

PRO TIP 3: If you receive a Technical Error while adding a brokerage account connection, please write to us by going into Settings -> Support (or by clicking here) -> Contact Support and email us there.

PRO TIP 4: If you receive the "Stuck waiting in Queue" error for an exchange connection, please press on the circular arrows to the left of the connection and do not go off of the page until they have finished spinning. If you leave the page before it is complete, the sync could be canceled and you will need to restart the sync. This can take up to 15 minutes for the first sync.

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